4D Analytics

Pie Chart Ext Data

Last updated: July 10, 2020

Widget size: 2 x 1

Most dashboard solutions are built upon the structure of an Amulet database.

Some widgets are set up to use external data. The mechanism to access external data is by including user-defined functions (UDF) within the Amulet database and thus providing access to the external data through a predefined and expected interface.

This Pie Chart Ext Data widget is similar to the Pie Chart (2x1) widget but the data comes from an external source and not the existing database. This is an advanced widget that will only be used in special circumstances where the user has interfacing knowledge. Please contact an administrator for further information.

Refer to the standard Pie Chart for reference to some of the relevant customisation options when configuring.


Value Default Comment
Widget Heading Pie Chart Enter the name of the widget as it is to appear in the heading.
Display Mode Pie Option of Pie, Graph or Table for the default view of the widget. When in live view you can still alternate between these views as required.
Total Heading Cost User can enter their choice of text for the total heading.
Units Position After Choice of Before or After.
Decimal Places 0 Choice of 0 through 5.
Exploded no Choice of no or yes for the pie chart. Exploded view has all the pie slices separated (exploded).
Font Size 8 User can enter the font size of their choice.
Graph Size 1 row x 2 col Choice of 1 row x 1 col or 1 row x 2 col. Both would be within the 2x1 widget frame.
Function Name Specific field for UDF. A system administrator would need to provide this information.
Site Col Name Specific field for UDF. A system administrator would need to provide this information.
Label Col Name Specific field for UDF. A system administrator would need to provide this information.
Value Col Name Specific field for UDF. A system administrator would need to provide this information.
Units Col Name Specific field for UDF. A system administrator would need to provide this information.
Series 1 Colour Blue Choice of 6 colours.
Series 2 Colour Red Choice of 6 colours.
Series 3 Colour Green Choice of 6 colours.
Show Series 2 no Choice of No or Yes to show Series 2.
Show Series 3 no Choice of No or Yes to show Series 3.
Show Key no Choice of No or Yes to show the Key (legend).
Series 2 Key Avg Text to appear in the key representing series 2.
Series 3 Key Peer Text to appear in the key representing series 3.
Show Numbers on Graph no Choice of No or Yes.
Total Segments 12 Total number of segments for the Pie Chart.
Drilldown A drilldown to Multiple Charts or Comparison Chart will take the user to the last 7 days of data irrespective of the date being viewed in the widget. Specify the Comparison Chart URL (comparisonChart.jsp) or the Single Charts URL (multipleCharts.jsp)
Link Params This is an advanced function that would be used in a limited set of circumstances and allows the user to transpose literal values into the reports - for example, [$value] can be transposed for literal values.
Avoid RAG Colours no Choice of No or Yes. RAG is defined as Red, Amber and Green and sometimes a user may want to avoid those traffic light style colours as they can give an indication of good, middle and bad when the data does not necessarily represent that,
Sort By Function no Choice of No or Yes. If we choose Yes then the data that comes into the widget is sorted according to the SQL order that is defined within the SQL function itself. This may or may not be sorted, it depends on how the function was written. If you choose No then the results are sorted.
Function Version 1 Choice of 1 or 2. Over time the interface of the functions have changed. Version 1 of the interface does not include an argument for OrgID. Version 2 of the interface does, along with some extra columns. Refer to Bentley support within the Amulet team for more information about this advanced area.
Refresh Period 0 Select a refresh period from the drop down menu, from between 15 sec to 1 hr, or no refresh at all.


There are no properties to configure for this widget.